Spiritual Body Language
Meditation: Heavenly Father’s welcome
Disc/Track #1
Meditation: Based on Prodigal Son; admitting our own pigpen; walking towards Father; lies/expectations on approaching Father; Father’s provision; flourishing of our true self.
Introduction to spiritual body language.
Listening to Holy Spirit talking to us about damage in our body and its relationship with our spirit.
Link between body and spirit and seeing our body as God does.
Responding to the presence of sickness our body (mirroring damage in spirit).
Responding to recent sickness (cleansing; discovering hooks and booby traps).
Regular pain/sensitivity
Disc/Track #2
Historic damage with diagnosed degenerative conditions; halting degeneration.
Principles of diagnosis (clues from our body – obvious links).
Guidelines in diagnosis using the example of sinus pain.
Fears around sickness/treatment/hospitals/death.
New habits in relating to our body and forgiving ourselves.
Significance of left and right sides of our body and our spine.
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