Righteous Relationship with Self
More on self hate & spiritual laziness
Disc/Track 1:
Explore what your relationship with yourself would look like if the damage had never been there. Give yourself encouragement and affirmation at each step of the journey.
Donʼt judge yourself and measure your progress against your end goal, just keep moving towards it. Several aspects of developing a righteous relationship with yourself.
When God starts to give you glimpses of righteous living, donʼt punish Him or yourself when the foretaste slips away. It is natural for these moments to come and go while this part of you is growing.
Disc/Track 2:
Unrighteous spiritual laziness is living in complacency far too long after experiencing healing.
Learn to build a whole new relationship with God that is not built on need, but rooted in the depth of love and yearning for the God who is your friend.
Womanʼs testimony: Accidental conception… letting Christ redeem her moment of deepest damage. Allow Jesus to step into your self-hate so He can show you how He wants to undo it.
Womanʼs testimony: A dark room full of Should Doʼs, Ought Toʼs, Must Beʼs, Have Toʼs… Redeemed.
Meditation: Invite Christ to stand in your barren land. Let Him bring restoration and life.
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