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Diagnostics, Homework & Growing the New

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Date(s) - Jul 03 - Jul 05


Many of us know what our difficulties are, since we face them every day of our lives! Some are huge while others appear small. But what we often do not know is the ‘how to’. In our ministry we so often hear people cry ‘just tell me what to do – I’ll do anything to be free!’ The challenge of how to move into new areas of growth is very similar – ‘how can I change, how can I be more of who I’m created to be, how can I know Christ more deeply?’

This Workshop will include teaching and personal diagnostics, to help identify with precision both what the real issues and drives are and then how to undo them. We will also provide small group ministry to help you find the breakthrough and positive change you are looking for. We will learn together how to cross these thresh-holds and hold on to the new ground to become more of the person we were created to be.

All our workshops are taught from a Christian perspective but if you do not have a current faith, you are very welcome to come and pick up whatever part of our weekend feels most relevant to you.

Homework, Diagnostics & Growing the New Workshop
Homework, Diagnostics & Growing the New Workshop


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