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Hierarchy or Harmony: How to discover and outgrow the need for boundaries

Boundaries are important. They provide a healthy structure for so much of our lives. But they can also be confining. What feels healthy for one person or situation can become oppressive for another. When someone asserts or claims a boundary that others feel is unwise, or even abusive, how does that get resolved?

This workshop focuses on emotional and relational boundaries. We will explore the damage caused by a lack of boundaries and set out a series of steps that will help us to grow the capacity to create mutual dignity, respect, and honor. But we will also look at the damage caused when one person’s ‘right’ to exercise their boundary imposes on another’s freedom of choice.

Healthy boundaries can be a springboard into a life that focuses on growth, positive risk-taking, mutuality, and spontaneity. But limiting one’s life within the constraints of boundaries can lead to being governed by unhelpful fear and control. Focusing too much on boundaries can also steal the potential for safety and trust in relationship and undermine our ability to be responsive to others.

Come journey with us to see how life-giving boundaries can be a stepping-stone to the freedom of greater personal and relational wholeness. This workshop will be presented by Dr. Peter Holmes and Dr. Susan Williams. We use a Biblical perspective that can help deepen your relationship with God, but we respect wherever you are on the spectrum of faith and encourage you to take up what feels relevant and ignore the rest. This workshop will help you on your journey of personal growth and help you help others do the same.

Everyone is welcome to our workshops. We include a Biblical perspective that can help deepen your relationship with God. 
But if you are not currently in a faith journey, we explicitly encourage you to take up what is most helpful and set aside anything you may not be comfortable with.

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